For The Indies!

VideoGameiacs is dedicated to the vibrant world of independent gaming, showcasing an eclectic mix of indie gems that push the boundaries of storytelling, art, and gameplay.

For developers, I offer a suite of services designed to illuminate your project’s unique vision and propel it into the limelight.

Want marketing and exposure tips?

Dive into the world of indie gaming with our live streaming sessions, where discovery takes center stage. Each stream is a journey through the latest and greatest in indie titles, offering a platform for these hidden treasures to shine. It’s not just entertainment; it’s a spotlight for innovation, providing developers with the audience they deserve and gamers with the unexplored worlds they crave. Join us, and be part of the indie game revolution, one stream at a time.

Game Showcasing

I understand that developing an indie game is an art form that demands time and dedication. That’s why I offer comprehensive marketing support tailored to indie developers who are focused on their craft. My services include bespoke video content that captures the essence of your game and paid promotional strategies to ensure your creation stands out in a crowded marketplace. Let me handle the spotlight, so you can concentrate on what you do best—making unforgettable gaming experiences.

Marketing Support

About Me

Hey, I'm Richard, I have been creating content around indie games for 7 years via YouTube/ Podcast / Live shows and social media.

I live on the south coast of the UK and have found my superpower is connecting with and to people. What better way to use that power than to help you release your game.

Contact me